Bavili smo se temama nepravilnosti i najčešćih pogrešaka u provedbi, provedbe građevinskih radova u kontekstu EU projekata, terenskim provjerama, kontrolom nabave, zahtjevima za nadoknadom sredstava, izvješćima o napretku provedbe projekta, izmjenama i raskidima ugovora, financijskim izvještavanjem i brojnim drugima.
Do skorog druženja na našim edukacijama ponovno uživo, u 2021. godini nastavljamo s našim webinarima.
In 2020 we continued to provide active support to our project beneficiaries through 45 trainings organized and conducted by our experts for more than 800 participants. We were dealing with various topics from irregularities, most common mistakes in project implementation, on-the-spot checks, public procurement control, requests for reimbursement, project implementation reports, changes and terminations of contracts, financial reporting and many more.
Until we see each other at our trainings again, we continue with webinars in 2021 as well.