Mr. Ivan Jakovčić also stated that mutual cooperation has been existed in centuries in the Adriatic region. Adriatic region is not a war zone anymore, but an area of peace and friendship.
\”I hope that the result of this project shall be the realization of unique and recognizable Adriatic fair on which could the big and small entrepreneurs, the Chambers of Crafts and Trades and Development Agencies be represented. That kind of fair could be organized on different locations. Despite of spreading of Internet usage, I am convinced that fairs have the future simply because of the fact that they offer the possibility of touching and tasting of products and the Internet can\’t offer that kind of possibility.\”, Jakovčić stated.
The total value of this project is 87 thousand euros and it is financed within Phare 2005 Interreg IIIA Cross-Border Cooperation between Italy and Croatia Programme. On the final conference the study \”Fairs in the East\”, has also been represented. (Source: Glas Istre)