“Enhancing administrative and operative capacities of the National Police Office for Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime (CRO NPOSCOC)”

The objective of the project, whose total value amounts to 222.222,00 EUR, was enhancing the capacities of the Republic of Croatia to efficiently combat organized crime and corruption as major threats to stability, security and democracy. The project purpose was to strengthen capacity of the Ministry of Interior by increasing effectiveness of the National Police Office for Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime (NPOSCOC) at the national and regional level through improvement of their internal administrative and operational procedures and implementation of trainings.

Closing ceremony will provide a comprehensive information about the structure and implementation of the project and present the achieved project results.

The results of this project are:


  • Report with recommendations for improvement of legislative provisions on corruption and organized crime prepared;
  • Internal administrative procedures improved; recommendations for developing the internal database technical capacities prepared;
  • NPOSCOC’s capacities in relation to criminal investigations of corruption and organized crime strengthened.
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