The Ministry of Trade and Industry and the EU funded Twinning Project “Assistance for implementing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement – The EU Services Directive 2006/123/EC” organized the official Launching Event of the Project on 25 January 2021 in a virtual manner, respecting the current anti-covid measures.
This event was honoured by the presence of ambassadors of Croatia and Germany in Kosovo, the Special Representative of the European Union Office in Kosovo, representatives of the Twinning project from both Member States, Deputy General Secretary of MTI, Department of Trade and Legal Department of MTI.
The goal of the Launching Event was to inform institutions, business community and associations and other stakeholders involved, as well as the general public about the aims and expected results of the project which is going to be implemented over the course of next two years.
Kosovo has lately made progress in the field of digitalization of trade in services, where a Contact Point on Services database has been created which enables facilitation of access for all stakeholders in the legal framework that regulates service activities in Kosovo, thus helping operate those that are already present in the market as well as entrepreneurs that want to start offering services in Kosovo.
It was pointed out in the meeting that mutual cooperation on the Twinning Project “Assistance for implementing the Stabilisation and Association Agreement – The EU Services Directive 2006/123/EC” can further have a positive impact on the development of the service sector reform in Kosovo.
In addition, it was said that with a complete alignment of the national legislation with the Services Directive, many types of administrative and regulatory barriers to freedom to provide services can be removed, as well as that sectoral regulations will be harmonized with the Services Directive which encourages simplification and digitalization of administrative procedures in order to simplify the process of obtaining of licenses for specific activities in the service sector and all of the information has to be available in one spot.
It was also emphasized that in the upcoming two years, the EU funded project will support the government of Kosovo to further develop its institutional capacity to create the basis for a sustainable environment for private sector development in line with the Union acquis and the SAA requirements.
The overall objective of this project, which is implemented by a consortium of relevant state institutions from Croatia and Germany and by the Ministry of Trade and Industry is to further support Kosovo’s integration into the world economy and strengthen the role of the Kosovo administration on economic governance through effective regulatory functions in line with the Stabilisation and Association Agreement’s (SAA) obligations.
The Twinning project will further support development of Kosovo’s economy by reduction of administrative burdens, setting up a clearer legislative framework and providing easy accessible information on service sector regulations via Point of Single Contact.
Moreover, stated Twinning project results will have positive effects on easier market entrance for businesses while increasing the number of entrepreneurs competing through market dynamics, even boost innovation, while providing more opportunities as well as more choices for consumers.