The purpose of this Grant Scheme is investment in development of new and existing infrastructure in business zones, development of new and existing business incubators and other business support entities for providing support to SMEs, as well as investment in development of public tourist infrastructure, which will ultimately result in development and strengthening of SMEs sector and creating a new workplaces, especially in “lagging behind regions”.
The following activities are eligible for financing through this Grant Scheme:
- Development of new and existing business related infrastructure in currently established business zones,
- Establishment and development of new and existing business incubators and other business support entities which gather SMEs, as well as provide support and services to them,
- Development and improvement of public tourist infrastructure in the fields of health, cultural and active tourism.
This Call for Proposals is intended for financing of projects from local and regional self-government units, local and regional organizations, companies in public ownership, as well as local and regional tourist boards. It will be open until 13th June 2013.
The indicative amount of 8 million EUR will be available for potential beneficiaries, whilst the amount of individual financial support will range from 325 thousand EUR to 1 million EUR. Any grant requested through this Call for Proposals could be co-financed in the maximum amount from 60% to 85% from the total project value.
This Call for Proposals is available on CFCA web-site: , as well as on European Commission, i.e. EuropeAid web-page:
All information related to application for this Call for Proposals are published on CFCA web-page in the document: “Guidelines for Grant Applicants” enclosed in the attachment.
Furthermore, the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds will organize an informative workshop free of charge intended for potential beneficiaries of this Grant Scheme. More information on this workshop will also be published on CFCA web-page: