Environmental noise protection is one of the most sophisticated legislative fields of the EU Acquis, at the same time regulated through one of the youngest European directives. The END (Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC) presents the basic framework for systematic noise protection in the European Union. Considering that Croatia, pursuant to END requirements, undertook the obligation to prepare strategic noise maps and action plans for the four largest cities (Zagreb, Rijeka, Split and Osijek) and major traffic sections (roads, highways, railways and air ports) within the set deadline, this technical assistance project was implemented with the support of the European Union.
With the overall objective of providing support to strengthening capacities and implementation of the environmental acquisfor environmental noise protection in Croatia, through comprehensive analysis of the existing situation, six workshops organized in Croatia\’s four largest cities, and in close cooperation with different stakeholders in the field of environmental noise protection, the project yielded its most important product, the National Environmental Noise Strategy which supported with a detailed action plan is to be adopted by the government. Strategic objectives and measures have been defined aiming at establishing a rational, efficient, dynamic and integrated environmental noise protection system, through inter-sectoral collaboration, creating links with traffic and physical planning, environmental impact assessments, strategic assessments and integrated pollution prevention instruments.
Another result of this 12-month long project, with the total budget of EUR 534,600, is the establishment of the Environmental Noise Expert Committee (ENEC), composed of the best Croatian noise protection experts, who actively participated in its implementation. The ENEC will continue its systematic work at environmental noise protection in conformity with the END and Croatian legislation.