This project has a total value of 252.189,43 euros, from which Phare 2006 funds were awarded in the amount of 189.142,07 euros, i.e. 75 percent of total value.
After 13 and half months period of project implementation, technical specifications intended for commencement of construction of sewage collection systems Prelog-D.Dubrava-Kotoriba, were drafted for project beneficiary Međimurske vode Ltd., Čakovec. The building permit was also obtained. Also, project documentation required for construction of apparatus for waste water purification, was drafted before phase of obtaining a location permit.
Generally speaking, this project shall contribute to environmental protection and quality improvement of natural water sources, underground waters, total quality of water management in cross-border area, as well as improvement of the quality of life of inhabitants from both sides of the river Mura.
The direct project beneficiaries are inhabitants of the Town of Prelog and Municipalities of Donja Dubrava, Sv. Marija and Donji Vidovec, whilst the project shall have indirect influence on inhabitants of Hungarian cross-border Counties of Zala and Somogy, as well as on the wider Međimurje County.
Cross-border cooperation between Hungarian partners Association of Pomurje Counties from Tótszerdahely, has been established within this project. The Agreement on Improvement of Water Protection from Waste Water Pollution and River Mura Protection has been established as mutual cooperation between Croatia and Hungary.