The abovementioned project has been designed for the employers and the potential employees who are searching for jobs in the cross-border region Pomurje between Varaždin County and Slovenia. The purpose of the project is the establishment of the web-site which would provide data of unemployment, and demand for the workforce in the abovementioned regions. During project\’s first phase, 800 employers and unemployed persons have been interviewed. More than 80 per cent of the interviewed persons gave their support to this project as well as to the answers to the demand for cross-border multilingual web-page which would integrate all institutions present on the labour market. The employers are aware that the existence of such web-page would enhance mutual preparation on participation on the EU labour market and contribute to higher flexibility and competition of the workforce in the cross-border region. During the project presentation, Franjo Makovec, municipal prefect of the Municipality of Sv.Martin at Mura stated „Ten years ago we had approximately 30 employees, but today we have approximately 500. At this moment, we have a shortage of good employees with required qualifications. Strong development and the expansion of our entrepreneurship zone shall create new workplaces and that fact shall be the reason for import of the workforce from Hungary and Slovenia and maybe from the other areas. I am satisfied that this network which will provide insight in the labour market is established in the way that the unemployed persons could find jobs they want and the employers could find answer to their demand\”. During the continuation of the abovementioned project through IPA programme, its experimental phase had started in which the web-page would be established in the regions of North-western Croatia and Pomurje, as a central meeting point of employers and potential employees. Information for the abovementioned web-page shall be available in the employment agencies and craftsmen associations. Project E-employment is implemented through the cooperation with partners from the Municipalities of Sv. Martin at Mura and Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Međimurje, as well as with the partners from Slovenia: Agency for Improvement of Social-economic Development „VIHAR\” Gornja Radgona, Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Ljutomer, Municipality of Gornja Radgona, Municipaliy of Razkrižje, Slovenian Employment Agency branch office Murska Sobota.